Here’s What’s Really Motivating the People Behind Anti-Trans Bathroom Bills

(Content Warning: Anti-trans rhetoric and references to violence)

What’s up with people trying to pass those ridiculous anti-trans bathroom bills?

You’d think a little understanding of transgender folks and their experiences would make it clear that these bills aren’t keeping people safe from violence. Requiring people to use public bathrooms that match the sex assigned to their birth certificate would actually lead to more incidents of violence.

But understanding is not going to happen as long as people refuse to reflect on the real motivation behind these bills.

So for this comic, Barry Deutsch collaborated with trans speaker and consultant Grace Annam to reveal what’s really going on when people want to turn anti-trans bigotry into a law.

We’re looking forward to the future their comic shows us heading towards!

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism


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Barry Deutsch is a Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism living in Portland. You can read more of his political cartoons on his Patreon. He also creates Hereville, a comic about an 11-year-old Orthodox Jewish girl who wants to fight monsters, and (with Becky Hawkins) SuperButch, a comic about a lesbian superhero in the 1940s. Check out his blog and follow him on Twitter and on Tumblr.

Grace Annam is a speaker and consultant on trans issues, and a writer/blogger at Alas, a Blog. She has over 21 years of experience as a police officer and a lifetime of experience as a trans woman.