Why These Common ‘Nice Guy’ Behaviors Are Actually Sexist Microaggressions

Have you made any of these mistakes while trying to be chivalrous or kind? They’re really common, and a lot of guys don’t understand why they’re not okay.

This comic will clear things up for you. Find out what you’re getting wrong, and get the keys to being kind without entitlement, dominance, or other sexist microaggressions.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

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Christine Deneweth is a Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism. A queer cartoonist and artist, Christine lives in Ypsilanti, Michigan. She is a cartoonist for Eastern Michigan University’s newspaper the Eastern Echo. She writes children’s books about mental disability and has a comic strip that has been published for five years. Comics can be found on her Facebook page, and art can be found on her Instagram @crassasterCheck out her work here